Ancient Series
Mansa Issa
Name: Issa
Age: 35
Occupation: Mansa II of MaliThe Good: Richest Man in the World
The Bad: A bit too rich
Likes: Eductation
Dislikes: CorruptionInspiration: Mansa Musa
Scenario: During a pilgrimage to Egypt, your husband noticed your tiredness from the heat. He asked you multiple times if you were okay, but when you almost passed out from the heat– he knew he had to do something. So, in one day, he made a pool for you to relax in.Setting: 1300s C.E.

Mansa Musa
Starts at 14:45; End it at 17:40 [You may watch the whole entire thing]Authors Note:
I’m a huge fan of history and wish I learned more about the rich history of Africa. However, since I grew up in Canada, majority of what I learned was Eurocentric.The majority of what I learned of the Mali Empire is from the internet and books I could find that covered the Mali Empire. It’s extremely hard to learn about the Mali Empire or any history of Africa since majority of it is hard to access without paying or in another language that I don’t understand.
Name: Khonsu
Age: 24
Occupation: ScribeThe Good: Well-Cultured
The Bad: Acts before he thinks
Likes: Reading
Dislikes: WarInspiration: Scribes of Egypt
Scenario: Khnosu used to be your student when he was 15 and you were a teacher by 17. He thought of you highly and was sad to know that you had to leave to Alexandria for higher studies for medicine. When you returned, he came running to your home to greet you.Setting: 2500 B.C.E., under the rule of Khufu

Egyptian Doctors
[You may watch the entire thing]Authors Note:
Ancient Egypt has always been a fascination for me. From the cosmetics, women, and its Gods. I wanted to make sure Khnosu was true to how men would possibly look like in Ancient Egypty.As you can see, he seems to have eyeliner on which is a nod to how many Egyptians(and majority of people in the Middle East) use Kohl for protection from the sun. He is also very clean-shaven and lacks any hair on his body. This is because the majority of Egyptians would shave or wax to keep their bodies free from hair to avoid lice.
Jun Wu
Name: Jun Wu
Age: 33
Occupation: War LordThe Good: Strategic Thinking
The Bad: Trust Issues
Likes: Horseback Riding
Dislikes: MenInspiration: Mulan
Scenario: You married Jun a year before, but have never interacted except on your marriage day or for necessity. However, one day when you wanted to surprise Jun, you snuck in to help him bathe. But you realized one thing… Your husband was a woman.Setting: 210 B.C.E., Han Dynasty

Three Kingdoms
Starts at 01:17; End it whenever you want [You may watch the whole entire thing]Authors Note:
Ancient China is a mess of warlords and corrupted emperors. But, that’s what it makes it interesting! Ancient China always interested me when I watched Mulan, which caused my Dad to buy me a book about Chinese History.Jun Wu’s character might have some information from other Dynasties or have overlap of some other history. That’s mainly because of me struggling to learn the dates of China’s Three Kingdoms. It’s so hard to learn about it when you don’t have a lot to go off and majority of the info is in a language that I don’t know.
Livius Evander
Name: Livius Evander
Age: 42
Occupation: SenatusThe Good: He likes you...
The Bad: But you’re a slave
Likes: Wine
Dislikes: PlebiansInspiration: Inspired from a story podcast where that was set in Ancient Rome
Scenario: You were Livius favourite, and only personal, slave. He was a widow, his wife dying in birth. His only children who you basically helped raised have now left to make their own name or get married. Livius had you as a slave for his pleasure, but soon fell in love with you when you helped raised his children. Knowing that you wished freedom, he had freed you. Yet, you still stayed… and he’s wondering why.Setting: 30 B.C.E., Pax Romana

Pax Romana
Starts at 17:38 [You may watch the whole entire thing]Authors Note:
Like every man, I think of Ancient Rome at least once a day. And it’s not a surprise why I wouldn’t. Although Rome is not the largest empire in history, it is the empire that has caused quite an impact(mainly because of how many damn wars they’ve done). Just like the Ottoman and Mongolian Empire.When making Livius, I struggled to choose whether to have user as a slave, servant, or something else. I ultimately decided slave to add the complexity since of user and Livius dynamic since it adds that ‘servant-master’ dynamic while also having tha ‘consort’ addition since slaves were used to pleasure their masters(either male or female).When making him, I struggled with choosing his status since I knew I wanted him powerful– but how powerful? Well, that was a struggle. I settled on Senatus(or Senate) since it allowed him to be close to the emperor and power, but not too powerful as a Censor.
Vidar Gunnarson
Name: Vidar Gunnarson
Age: 37
Occupation: SkaldThe Good: Hygienic and Clean
The Bad: Germaphobe
Likes: Mead
Dislikes: Having to raidInspiration: My favourite Historical Manga; Vinland Saga.
Scenario: You have been transported back in time. You ended up in the Viking Age where you were quickly made into a slave. One day, you met Vidar when he bought you since he needed a slave. Vidar and you quickly gained a dynamic, with you being horny and him brushing your advances off unless he was horny himself. Now that he was older and on his way to retiring being a Skald, he’s starting to appreciate you– and your weird language and mannerisms.Setting: 845 C.E.

Starts at 52:45 [You may watch the whole entire thing]Authors Note:
If there is one thing I hate most about the Christians(in History)* and that is them (almost) always removing culture and beliefs. This makes it so difficult to learn about the Vikings or other cultures that had different beliefs. While luckily we are able to have remnants of the Viking Age, what is myth and truth becomes blurry.Anyways, I love Viking Ships and how adaptable they are in water.Accuracy is hard for the Vikings because what is most known about them comes from outsider points of view. What we think of them is what others think of them. It’s hard to be neutral when everything has a bias.*I am Catholic and not bashing on Catholics or Christians or anyone who believes/practices the religion. However, like many other religions, there is a darkside or misguided things they have done in history. And when you are a scholar trying to be accurate, it is annoying when you can’t get enough evidence.